Community Customer Service


Hours of Operation

08:00AM - 6:00PM

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Frequently Asked Questions

This is a short list of questions Board Members frequently asked

How many years has HOA Properties been Managing HOA Communities Property?

HOA Properties started in 2000 and our staff has over 50 years of combined experience managing HOA and COA Properties.

How many Communities does HOA Properties Inc manage?

HOA Properties currently manages 80 HOA Communities in the SF Bay Area.

How will HPllc handle a typical emergency or maintenance request, during both working hours and after-hours?

HOA Properties has a 24 hour customer service department where the caller will receive a live associate. Each call is logged and sent to the Assistant Manager and an Operations Manager is copied on each request to address.
Emergencies are answered immediately. 
Non Emergencies are answered within 24 hours.

How does HOA Properties Inc plan to keep Community Owners informed of potential issues?

HOA Properties documents all of their actions in an action item list and keeps Associations informed through their Work Order sheets found in each owner portal.

How accessible are HOA Properties Inc Community Managers?

    Each Association is assigned 1-2 Community Managers to assist in the management of their Association.
    Many times we will email reports weekly to our associations and keep them informed of pending work order requests and preventative maintenance items. Voicemails left for managers are alerted through an email as well to ensure prompt response.


Does HOA Properties have any type of affiliation or relationship with your preferred vendors? Do HOA Properties Inc managers receive any financial benefit for hiring any particular companies?

    HOA Properties works with Association's preferred vendors, unless directed otherwise by a Board of Directors.
    HOA Properties does not receive any financial benefit from the vendors it contracts .