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HOA News

Recent Association News


HOA Contract Formation and Voting

The contract formation and voting process can be intimidating for many HOA. HOA Properties has made it easy to determine which contracts need an Executive Committee, General Board Meeting, or at times the creation of an Executive Committe to adress each contract. Click on the links below to see our documents for increased success of your organization.

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Secretary of State Filing and Compliance

HOA Filings with the Secretary of State are need to maintain a community's regulatory compliance. The State may use this information to identify whether the community is incorporated or unincorporated and to determine a community's tax status.

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Due Process and HOA Violations

Due Process an established course for judicial proceedings or other governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual. HOA Communities may use this due process to define fairness within their Association and to impose penalities depending upon the severity of a violation. HOA Properties defines Substantive and Procedural Due Process and gives Associations best practices for differing violations.

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Reserve Component Inventory

HOA Communities have a fiduciary responsibility to their owners to maintain a reserve account for the Association's members. The components covered for by the reserve account should include andy area components that have a useful life of less than 30 years. Contributions must be made to the reserve account in order to repair, replace, restore, or maintain these components, in accordance with the Association's CC&Rs and Bylaws. The funding plan may be maintained with monthly assessments or special assessments depending upon the components in nature and their respective reserve fund. HOA Properties identifies many of the common components Association's need to be mindful of will creating their fiscal budgets, in order to maintain their reserve accounts.

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Airbnb and VRBO Rentals and a Community's Choice

The newest litigation referencing short term rentals in an Association can be found in the lawsuit Watts v. Oak Shores. This lawsuit later became published vs. unpublished, which means it can be counted toward case law, and the courts decision can have an influence and affect similiar Association lawsuits.

The court's three major rulings are significant: (i) association's have the right to restrict short-term rentals, (ii) boards can impose a reasonable fee to offset expenses associated with renters, and (iii) courts should defer to boards on decisions related to the maintenance, control and management of common areas. fleet of advanced green carriers that provides high fuel efficiency, expert and licensed team of drivers, expert team of technicians and logistic support team, anon.

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